BE HeArd
Lara and her BEloved KWPN gelding, Chey
photo by Starlit Images
Are you aware that…
Whether you love horses, have no experience with them or feel uncertain in their presence, Being with horses opens a path to understanding your true Self.
Mondiwell’s founder, Lara Wilson, invites you to discover the beauty of deep connection through compassionate communication with another species, and learn how it leads to greater wellBEing.
Lara has been a befriender of horses since childhood, when she spent hours playing in fields with members of a mixed herd at a university agricultural center. As a young person, her happiest moments were spent sitting on a horse willing to trot with no tack in a pasture, riding miles bareback to swim in a lake or jumping fallen trees along woodland paths. Her experiences led to an appreciation of equine behavior, learning to play, ride through feel and honor each individual horse. Over the decades, Lara’s equine teachers have included Belgian draft horses, off-the-track thoroughbreds, dressage horses of every level, Western pleasure and rodeo ropers, bold eventers, pinto ponies, athletic jumpers, rescued youngsters and wild mustangs, among others. Even after years of lessons, it was all about fun and discover - fostering mutual understanding through curiosity, acceptance and compassionate communication.
Following spinal fusion when her fourth child was a toddler, Lara was told to never ride again. Yet, after surviving eighteen months of treatment for the breast cancer that took her mom too young, Lara’s husband asked: What do you really want to do now? Her immediate answer: Be with horses! It was not easy. Multiple surgeries had led to the removal of her pec wall, and she had to re-learn how to move in ways that would not cause injury and pain. In addition to finding equine partners that accommodated her body’s way, she remains grateful to have learned how to ride through feel and intuition.
Lara listens deeply. Her masterful mindfulness, polyvagal and energy healing training invites horses to Be present in ways that honor natural ways of Being while co-regulating nervous systems. The deep trust that results from these equine encounters leads horses and humans to communicate intuitively for the benefit of all. As one observer put it watching Lara’s work with a mare in liberty, “It looked like you were dancing together to understand each other, and the energy swirling around you was … love.”
FEEL THE LOVE with Lara and her horses - or yours!
Connect today and BE present in a new way.
Horses’ electromagnetic field is 5 times as great as a human’s, which influences our heart rate and neurobiology.
Being in the presence of horses can help ease a dysregulated nervous system.
Horses sense your state of mind and some suggest ways to be calmer, if you care (or dare) to pay attention.
Observing herd behavior increases awareness of subtle signals that impact our relationships with others.
Mindfulness practices such as breathing techniques invite horses and humans to connect, co-regulate and feel Befriended.
Learning the language of horses allows us to better understand ourselves, one another and the natural world.
Chey is a friendly, handsome 16.2 hh 9-yr-old Dutch Warmblood (KWPN) gelding. He loves turnout, trail riding, liberty games, trotting over poles, greeting friends at the fence, homemade granola muffins and cuddling. A curious and versatile equine partner, Chey trains in dressage, though he finds it fun to occasionally try a few jumps.
Naturally empathetic, Chey is very affectionate and attempts to befriend everyone he encounters. He also communicates his preferences clearly and appreciates being able to make choices. Chey has a keen ability to help people clarify their intentions and access a way to express loving kindness.
Jumero is a super athletic 16.3 hh 10-yr-old Dutch Warmblood (KWPN) gelding, who is happiest going fast over fences. He loves trail riding, coaxing neighboring mares to converse, a really good scratching session, bananas and being in charge. His confidence has helped settle neighboring mares on the show grounds, who seem quite interested in this good looking big guy. You know Jumero is on the way when you hear his steady, quick hoofbeats. His strong personality invites people to find the rhythm of their own inner strength and the softness beside it. And the adorable dot on his nose that invites a gentle boop … it’s called a kiss!
Cozzy, a sweet 15.1 hh 3-yr-old Thoroughbred gelding, was adopted from a NH rescue partner of PA-based Turning for Home, whose mission is to provide an alternative to the auction and slaughter of racehorses after their careers have ended. When first adopted, Cozzy had little familiarity with the carrot, apple and cookie treats he now loves. He likes to play in liberty, meet new friends, get baths and take naps. Cozzy is a quick learner and willingly tries new groundwork exercises in the ring as well as in the field he shares with his 30-yr-old pony friend, Jazz. Play with Cozzy and you’re sure to laugh at his adorable antics!

“Horses can build character, not merely urge one to improve on it. Horses forge the mind, the character, the emotions and inner lives of humans.”
— Charles de Kunffy